To connect to Flutterwave on the dashboard, follow these steps:

Enter the Name: In the “Name” field, provide a label for this connection (e.g., “Flutterwave Business Account”). This name helps you easily identify this specific Flutterwave connection.

Enter the Secret Key: In the “Secret Key” field, enter your Flutterwave Secret Key. This key is used to securely connect your Flutterwave account to the platform.

You can find your Secret Key in your Flutterwave dashboard:

  • Log into your Flutterwave Dashboard

  • Go to Settings > API.

  • Copy the Secret Key listed under API Keys (ensure you select the live or test key depending on the environment you’re working in).

Select Currency: Choose the currency you want to use with this Flutterwave connection. This should match the currency of transactions you’ll be processing or managing.

This connection will enable the platform to retrieve and manage data from your Flutterwave account, making it easier to conduct reconciliations and financial reporting.